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Veneers in Stuart, FL

Veneers are very thin covers that dentists apply to the teeth to give them a more aesthetic look. It is done mainly for cosmetic reasons. Veneers can transform the color, shape, length, and size of your teeth.

What Problems Can Veneers Fix?

Veneers are composed of either resin or porcelain, and they can be used to fix some common problems such as:

  • Irregularities, misalignments or unevenly shaped teeth
  • Teeth that are worn down
  • Gaps
  • Discolored teeth
  • Stains
  • Broken teeth

What Are The Benefits Of Veneers?

There are many benefits veneers can have, the first one being the way your teeth will look. After getting veneers, your teeth will look more beautiful and aesthetic. You will have a fantastic smile everyone would kill to have. Another benefit is that your teeth will look natural, you don’t have to worry about your teeth looking fake as veneers make them look as if you didn’t get anything done.

If you get porcelain veneers, then you will have one significant advantage, they resist discoloration! And on top of that, porcelain usually works well with your gum tissue.

The last thing to mention about the benefits of getting veneers is that you could get crowns in your teeth, but crowns are far more expensive. The procedure takes more time and is more tedious. Taking that into consideration, veneers look more attractive to your wallet. Also, it’s a more aesthetic alternative.

How Veneers Are Applied?

The first step is to assess your teeth. We will take x-rays of your teeth and impressions as well. Additionally, you should make sure to talk to us and see what we think about getting veneers. Let us explain to you what the procedure is going to be like, so you know what’s going to happen and have information about everything. After you know all the necessary information and we have done evaluations of your teeth, it’s time to start the procedure.

We will remove half a millimeter of your teeth’s enamel to prepare your teeth for the veneers. Then, you get some aesthesia to feel no pain as we will trim off your teeth. After that, the impressions will be sent to the laboratory to make your veneers. Finally, we will make sure that the veneers fit correctly into your teeth before applying cement to stick the veneers. That cement will be used to adjust the veneers to your teeth. We will trim off the veneers until they fit perfectly in your mouth. In addition to that and to finish with the procedure, your teeth will be cleaned and polished. And that’s it!

Do Veneers Need Special Care?

After getting your veneers, you need to take care of them properly, and here are some simple tips so you can maintain your veneers in perfect state.

  • Brush your teeth after every meal. If this is too problematic for you, then try to brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Alongside with brushing, you should use dental floss after every meal, if not, then try at least once a day.
  • Use mouthwash twice a day.

Contact us for more information on veneers and other procedures we offer.

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